Mental health

Mental health

May 02 2019


Mindhealthconnect helps you access reliable and relevant information about mental health issues and services.

The site is your first step to finding relevant support and resources to meet your needs.

At Ease – mental health

At Ease has been developed to improve veterans’ mental health by raising awareness and understanding of how and where to seek help, and encouraging veterans to take action to optimise their health and wellbeing.

Beyondblue: the national depression initiative

Beyondblue is a national, independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders in Australia.

headspace – Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation

headspace provides mental and health wellbeing support, information and services to young people aged 12 to 25 years and their families across Australia. With 30 one-stop-shops, headspace has a range of youth friendly health professionals who can help you with general health; mental health and counselling; education, employment and other services; and alcohol and other drug services.

Mensline Australia

Supports men who are dealing with family and relationship difficulties, particularly surrounding family break-down or separation.

Mental health

Healthinsite topic page linking to information on mental health, mental illness, prevention, early intervention, management and mental health promotion, as well as mental health statistics, research and suicide prevention. Healthinsite provides links to some of Australia’s most authoritative health organisations and their websites.

Mental health

Information on initiatives to build the capacity of the mental health care system to ensure that Australians with or at risk of mental illness, and their families and carers, have access to quality health and support services to meet their needs.

Mental health and well being

This site will help you to find information on the Australian Government’s role and contributions to mental health reform activities in Australia.

Mental Health Services in Australia

Mental Health Services in Australia (MHSIA) online makes available timely, contemporary data on the services provided to Australian mental health consumers each year. Online PDF versions of the previous hard copy Mental health services in Australia publication (1998–99 through to 2007–08) are also available.


Depression and anxiety are among the most common mental health problems experienced by young people. If you think you, or someone you know, may have depression or anxiety you can get help now by calling Beyondblue Info line on 1300 22 4636.


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