Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases

May 02 2019

Avian influenza (bird flu)

Department of Health and Ageing page providing key facts and information about Avian Influenza, also known as bird flu. Includes links to FAQ’s and the latest news

Fight Flu Campaign resources

National Health and Medical Research Council page with links to download resources, including multi-language flyers, related to the Fight Flu Campaign.

Health Emergency

The Australian Government’s Health Emergency website keeps you up-to-date with important information about health emergencies in Australia, and the actions you can take to protect yourself, your family and the community. Guidance provided is based on current information and is subject to change based on ongoing surveillance and risk assessment.

National Pests and Disease Outbreaks

National Pests and Disease Outbreaks was developed collaboratively across State/Territory and Australian Government agricultural agencies to provide a single, user-friendly website through which stakeholders can find access to local, state and national information in relation to Australian responses to current ongoing outbreaks of animal and plant pests and diseases.

Pandemic Influenza

This Department of Health and Ageing site provides important information about pandemic influenza, including what the Australian Government will do if it happens, and what individuals, businesses, communities and health care professionals can do to prepare for and respond to a flu pandemic. Includes links to state and territory pandemic plans.

Protecting yourself and others – flu hygiene

In general, influenza viruses are spread in two ways: respiratory droplets from an infected person’s coughs or sneezes; and touching contaminated surfaces (including hands) and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes. In the event of a pandemic, the Australian Government will advise ways in which you can help minimise the risk and spread of infection through announcements in the media and other information resources.


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